About Us

About Us - LikeWinter

Our Origins

Founded in 2024, LikeWinter embarked on a mission to introduce Canadians to unique and special products sourced from all over the world. We carefully curate a diverse range of items, reflecting the cultures and characteristics of their origins, and offer a platform for Canadians to conveniently and safely purchase them.

Bridging the World

LikeWinter collaborates with artists, designers, and producers worldwide to bring their exceptional products to the Canadian market. We proudly present products that transcend cultural and stylistic boundaries, allowing our customers to experience the best that the world has to offer.

Quality and Diversity

From the vast array of global products we encounter, we prioritize those that stand out in terms of quality and design. LikeWinter offers products across multiple categories, providing Canadians the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse cultures and superior quality from around the globe.

Our Commitment to Customers

At LikeWinter , customer satisfaction is our topmost priority. Beyond product quality, we are committed to ensuring swift and secure deliveries, and we pride ourselves on providing exemplary customer service.